Creative Ways to Eat More Bacon

Bacon is extremely delicious food. It is so delicious that many of us would love to eat it for every meal, not just for breakfast. There is good news for all bacon lovers: with a little creativity, you can easily slip bacon into almost any meal or snack. This article will introduce you to some fun ways to get more bacon in your life.
On A Salad
Salads are a great choice for those who want to be health-conscious, but they can lack flavors that many meat lovers crave. One great way to spice up any salad is to add some bacon on top. Nearly any salad can be well complemented by a sprinkle or two of bacon bits.
We are all familiar with the classic BLT sandwich that incorporates bacon as one of the star components. There is no need to avoid bacon on other sandwiches, however. Bacon can pair nicely with chicken, turkey, or other kinds of meats as well. Try incorporating tomatoes, avocados, spinach, and mayonnaise for other sandwich ingredients that go well with bacon.
Sweet and Salty Snacks
Many foods can make excellent snacks when simply wrapped in bacon and coated in a tasty sauce. One of the most common bacon-wrapped snacks is water chestnuts. This simple recipe includes water chestnuts wrapped in toothpick-secured bacon and dipped in a simple ketchup, brown sugar and Worcestershire sauce. If you’d like to mix up this recipe, you can also combine bacon with several sweet and salty items like peaches, cheese bites, asparagus, cherry tomatoes, or jalapeños.
Create Your Own
These are a few good ways to get started in pursuing a life full of bacon, but they are not the only options out there. There are many great bacon recipes to discover if you are open to experimenting. Stay open-minded, and you can create bacon-filled recipes of your own for any meal.